Mass Effect 3 Multiplayer Classes

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Human Male / Female Adept

Many consider the human adept inferior to the other unlockable adept classes. This point of view is a bit narrow-sighted, however, as the human adept pairs wonderfully with other adepts. Two of the Human Adept's abilities can set up biotic explosions (Singularity on non-shielded, non-armored enemies, and Warp for everything else). As for detonating explosions, both Warp and Shockwave fit the bill perfectly.
As a lone-biotic thrower, the human adept works well, but requires a bit of practice. The human adept's abilities simply work differently as other adepts, and aren't nearly as easy to 'spam' for an easy victory. However, they all pack a huge punch when used correctly. Below is a quick overview of the human adept's skills and the synergy between them.
  • Like many people I'm sure, there are a number of powers in Mass Effect 3's Multiplayer that I love to use and thought that a number of them would make good additions for Shepard's power arsenal in Single-Player.
  • In Mass Effect, Mass Effect 2, and Mass Effect 3, player characters are chosen from one of six classes: Adept, Soldier, Engineer, Vanguard, Sentinel, and Infiltrator. Depending on the game, these can be further focused into unique specialization classes.
  • Mar 07, 2012 In Mass Effect 3's single player, Classes allow you to choose your Shepard's role with specific Powers and a unique skill tree. In Mass Effect 3's Multiplayer, Classes are similar to those in.
Human Adept Skills, Strategies, and Team Synergy
Of the Human Adept's abilities, Warp is the only one that is easily spammable from just about any distance. This means knowing when and where to use Singularity and Shockwave is key to utilizing the Human Adept effectively.
Singularity works wonders on non-armored, non-shielded enemies. It can set up a biotic explosion with Warp, and potentially multiple biotic explosions with Shockwave. The recharge time for Singularity is extremely generous, meaning any weaker enemies that sneak up on the Human Adept can be quickly caught in a Singularity and detonated. It's also possible to throw a Singularity at a shielded target, shoot the target until the shields are down, and then the target should get trapped within the Singularity, setting it up for a biotic explosion. This tactic works great when combed with a teammate using Stasis. Stasis can immediately immobilize all non-armored targets, and setting up a Singularity within a Stasis bubble means that anything caught within will be automatically picked up by Singularity after losing their shields. And finally, Singularity has a tendency to cause targets to stagger when caught in the 'black hole,' even if they still have shields. While somewhat unreliable, this ability to stagger enemies can be a lifesaver.
Shockwave packs a powerful punch when used for biotic detonations. However, it requires getting uncomfortably close to enemies, since Shockwave's default distance travels a mere 10 meters. Shockwave can travel through any kind of cover and walls, making it a much safer ability than it originally may seem. The Human Adept can peak around a corner, set up with Singularity or Warp, and then hide behind a wall or cover and detonate through the wall with a Shockwave. While the distance is limited, Shockwave-detonated biotic explosions are the most powerful in the game, and when used with a teammate using an area of effect Reave, it can trigger multiple explosions per Shockwave.

2019 - many are still playing ME3 multiplayer. I'm back playing again after over a year away playing other games.During that year I also played Andromeda and it's MP, and like a lot of Mass Effect players I'm back to ME3. Because it's not only that good, STILL, but it's really one of the best mul.

The Human Adept pairs well with other biotics, but is very difficult to use solo. It's best to use the Human Adept on a team with a variety of biotic users. The Drell Adept and Asari Justicar pair great with a Human Adept due to Reave, while the Asari Adept with Stasis works great with the Human Adept's Singularity to provide back-to-back biotic explosions.

Asari Adept

Widely considered one of the strongest classes in the game, the Asari Adept sports the powerful Warp + Throw biotic explosion combo, along with Stasis for crowd control and headshots. Unlike the Human Adept's Singularity, Stasis still works on shielded enemies (but not armored). Phantoms, Rocket Troopers, Hunters, etc are all vulnerable to a Stasis bubble, and the bubble can potentially trap numerous enemies at a time (requires the level 6 Stasis bubble evolution).
The Asari Adept obviously pairs well with other adepts, but also functions well with other classes.

Asari Adept Skills, Strategies, and Team Synergy

The Asari Adept works primarily with two main strategies. The first utilizes Stasis as the main ability, in particular, using the level 6 evolution 'Stasis Bubble' which can trap numerous targets at a time. Trapping enemies in Stasis makes headshots a breeze. There's a couple of problems with this set up, however. For starters, Asari do not get much in the way of weapon bonuses, and focusing on weapon damage in the Asari Justicar passive skill tree will make her biotic powers weaker. Additionally, most enemies on Silver and Gold will not die by a single headshot, and after enemies take a certain amount of damage they 'fall out of' the stasis bubble, which means that the Asari may have a difficult time finishing of enemies. Stasis can also cause an unfortunate glitch which makes an enemy fall out of sync, making it almost impossible for non-host players to kill.
The second strategy uses Stasis merely as a panic button against enemies that tend to flank the team (Hunters, Phantoms, etc), while primarily using the Warp + Throw biotic combo for laying waste to huge amounts of weaker enemies, and for dealing huge damage and staggering more threatening ones (Atlus, Banshee, etc). Stasis also works well for closing down choke points, and as a form of crowd control against clustered groups of weaker enemies.
The Asari Adept pairs best with other biotics, particularly those with different abilities such as Reave. However, due to Stasis, the Asari Adept also works wonderfully with Infiltrators, as Stasis can set up plenty of targets for headshots, and Infiltrators are more efficient with headshots due to tactical cloak damage bonuses.

Drell Adept

Similar to the Human Adept, the Drell Adept is highly underrated and undervalued. They do suffer from very low barriers, meaning that they simply cannot take a lot of punishment before going down. However, their fast walking speed and mobile dodge help to offset their low barriers, allowing the Drell to get out of danger faster than any other race.
As far as abilities are concerned, the Drell Adept uses Pull, Reave, and Cluster Grenades. Like Singularity, Pull only works on non-armored, non-shielded enemies. While Pull + Reave is far more situational than Warp + Throw, the benefit comes in the form speed - Pull immediately immobilizes enemies (as opposed to Warp) and Pull has a much faster cooldown timer, meaning the biotic explosion will come out much faster. And even though the Cluster Grenades skill suffers from requiring numerous pit-stops to ammo creates, the potential destruction caused by Reave + Cluster Grenades is absolutely massive.
The Drell Adept is the speedy glass cannon of the Mass Effect 3 multiplayer universe.Multiplayer

Drell Adept Skills, Strategies, and Team Synergy

The key to using the Drell Adept successfully is really all about situational awareness. The Drell Adept can massacre mobs of weaker enemies in very little time with Pull + Reave, and the potential collateral damage caused by the biotic explosions can weaken shielded enemies, setting them up for a Pull + Reave, and so on. The Drell Adept also needs to be aware of his surroundings, given that a single enemy catching the Drell off guard can take down his weak barriers in no time.
Cluster Grendes are the Drell Adept's trump card. Setting up a mob of enemies with Reave, followed up with a well-placed Cluster Grenade is one of the easiest ways to get Killstreaks outside of simply launching Cobra Missiles. The grenades are also essential for Drell against armored enemies, and work especially well for dealing huge spike damage to larger targets like an Atlus.
The Drell Adept needs to be mobile and on the move in order to be used effectively. Straying too far from the team is dangerous and can potentially mess up the enemy spawn zones, but staying in one place for the entire round handicaps the Drell's ability to deal massive damage with Cluster Grenades.
The best team synergy for the Drell Adept is a team that has no other class that uses grenades. Since Cluster Grenades are essential for biotic explosions against armored targets, and since they do tremendous damage against mobs of enemies at a time, the best teammates for the Drell Adept are simply ones that let him restock grenades whenever possible. The Drell Adept also pairs well with any class with Warp, as it allows the Drell to set up and detonate biotic explosions against armored enemies without requiring cluster grenades.

The adept is definitively one of the more powerful and fun classes to use. The main skill they use is singularity which lifts enemies into the air and renders them defenseless for a considerable amount of time.

The adept mainly focuses on the support role, but will often get the most points of the team in multiplayer. This is down to the effect of combining powers such as overload and biotic charge which triggers a biotic explosion. The best way to achieve this is to alternate singularity and throw which will down even an Atlas quickly. However, because the adept doesn’t have a shield recharge skill, you have to be careful with the way you move around the map and be sure to use cover a lot.

The soldier is one of the most boring classes to play as. All of your skills are based around enhancing your use of guns and melee which is not what the developers of mass effect 3 spent their most time on. However, I found that using a Krogan is very fun because it is different from all of the other classes in that he is one of the strongest tanks in the game. Krogans are mainly designed for melee combat which is hard to master. I have written a full guide for using the Krogan effectively here.

The engineer is another example of a support character. However, unlike the adept, I have rarely seen them top score in a multiplayer match or be of any use. The combat drones are somewhat useful distractions especially when you are struggling to kill a Guardian because he has his shield pointed towards you, but most of the other damage has to be dealt with weapons.

Traditionally the engineer is very dependent on teammates to do most of the damage, especially in the single player. It has never been a strong choice in any respect which is why I haven’t decided to test it out very much. With that said, the incinerate is a very useful tool to strip armor away but, especially in multplayer, only the Atlasses have armor which renders that skill useless in most situations.

If played right the engineer can be very powerful. I haven’t seen this very much, but if you specialize overload so that you can spam it very quickly it definitely is very powerful. You can find a detailed guide to the effective use of the engineer class here.

Sentinels are much more aggressive than the engineer and the adept, but still are limited to using the cover system a lot since they lack the ability to recharge their shield quickly. Sentinels have the tools to take care of most enemies effectively. They can use warp to take down the armor of an atlas, overcharge to rip off shields and throw to render enemies harmless for a few seconds. Throw is very powerful because it can be put on a very quick cool down given the right specialization.

Personally I am a big fan of aggressive characters that spend most of their time in the middle of the action. However, they are a very useful addition to any multiplayer team and are a strong choice for the single player.

Now I am getting to my favorite classes. In Mass Effect 2 the infiltrator was easily one of the most powerful and easy to use characters. You could alternate between cover and cloak when you had to exit cover to minimize the damage that you would take and when you aim down the sights with a sniper it slowed down time. In multiplayer the cloak has stayed which makes it a powerful class to begin with, but they have added an ability called energy drain which takes an enemies shield or barrier and gives it to you. It even hives you a slight armor boost when specialized properly.

In your aggressive gameplay you are somewhat limited by your enemies having to have shields or barriers to survive easily, but whenever you get into a sticky situation you can use cloak to get away from it. However, your shield does not recharge whilst cloaked. Be sure to use a power towards the end of the shield, otherwise the cool down for the cloak is started after you re-appear. The cloak is incredibly useful for the multiple objectives in the mutiplayer as it essentially lets you go in and do them at any time as it lasts almost the full duration of the hack (or whatever else you have to do). I have written a full guide for the Salarian infiltrator which you can find here.

Even before Mass Effect 3 the vanguard has been my favorite class. I completed Mass Effect 2 on Insanity using the Vanguard and it was a blast, ignoring the times when Shepard says “cannot target” which in most cases was a death sentence. In mass effect 3 the vanguards are powerful to the point of being over powered. You can put charge on a 2 second cooldown and have that even reduced when using nova. You have invincibility frames whenever you are in the charge animation or the nova animation and about half a second after you are out of nova the charge will be ready again.

Mass Effect 3 Multiplayer Class Tier List

The vanguard suffers from connection though, I have been downed many times because my character wouldn’t charge because of high ping/bad connection. However, the vanguard will always be where there is clusters of enemies and make it look easy at the same time. You can find a full guide for the human vanguard here.