Yugioh 5ds Nordic Gods

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  1. Yugioh 5ds Yusei Vs Nordic Gods
  2. Yugioh 5ds Nordic Gods Episode
  3. Yu Gi Oh 5ds Wallpaper
  4. Yu Gi Oh 5ds Gogoanime
From left to right, 'Loki', 'Odin' and 'Thor' towering over Team Ragnarok.
  • きょくしん
  • 極神(base)
  • きょくしん(ruby)
  • Kyokushin(romanized)
  • Polar God (translated)
  • Nordic God(anime)
  • 极神
  • Ases
  • Der Asen
  • Aesir
  • 극신
  • 極神(Hanja)
  • Geuksin(romanized)
  • Polar God (translated)
  • Aesir
  • Aesir
TCG Sets
OCG Sets
Anime appearances

'Aesir', known as 'Polar God' (きょくしんKyokushin) is an archetype of three mysterious deity-like Synchro Monsters used by Team Ragnarok in Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's. They are named 'Three Polar Gods of the Star World' (せいかいさんきょくしんSeikai no San Kyokushin) in the Japanese anime, and 'Nordic God' and 'Polar Star God' in the dubbed version.

3 Vanadis of the Nordic Ascendant. 3 Tanngrisnir of the Nordic Beasts. 3 Tanngnjostr of the Nordic Beasts. 3 Guldfaxe of the Nordic Beasts. 3 Super-Nimble Mega Hamster. 2 Effect Veiler. 3 Pot of Duality. 2 Pot of Avarice. 2 Mystical Space Typhoon. 1 Monster Reborn. 1 Giant Trunade. 5D's When Nordic Gods Attack With only a handful of life points remaining and the Nordic God, Thor, staring down at him, Jack gets set to take on his next opponent - Team Ragnarok’s Broder! Episodes Yu-Gi-Oh!

In the anime, the 'Aesir' monsters are DIVINEDivine-Beast monsters. They are the only Synchro Monsters that are either DIVINE or Divine-Beast in any medium. However, their Attributes and Types were changed in the OCG. 'Loki, Lord of the Aesir' is a DARKSpellcaster, 'Thor, Lord of the Aesir' is an EARTHBeast-Warrior and 'Odin, Father of the Aesir' is a LIGHTFairy. Each member of Team Ragnarok possesses one of these cards.

'Odin, Father of the Aesir' appears as a character in Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's World Championship 2011: Over the Nexus.

  • 1Members
  • 2Playing style


ÆsirSupported archetypeHolder
Odin, Father of the AesirNordic AscendantHalldor
Thor, Lord of the AesirNordic BeastsDragan
Loki, Lord of the AesirNordic AlfarBroder


The three cards are named for the most prominent among the Æsir of Norse mythology: Odin, the so-called Allfather and king of the Æsir; Thor, known as the god of thunder and strongest among the gods; and Loki, a notorious trickster and Jötunn who was usually associated with the Aesir until orchestrating the death of Baldr, for which he was tied to a stone as punishment until Ragnarök, the end of the world. The term “Polar God” could refer to the Scandinavian origins of Norse myths, as the region stretches up to the Arctic Circle and therefore towards the North Pole. Notably, while the term “Æsir” is usually spelled with the letter ash (Æ/æ), the TCG spells it “Aesir,” likely for familiarity with an audience that largely doesn’t use said character, being most common in Scandinavian languages like Danish and Norwegian.

In the anime, the 3 “Aesir” cards were found by the three Duelists who possessed the Rune Eyes. Each card was found within a cave dominated by a shrine made of tree roots, ostensibly in reference to the “World Tree” Yggdrasil, which connects the Nine Realms of Norse mythology. Among the Nine Realms are Asgard, land of the Æsir, and Midgard, home of humans and another name for Earth, thus these shrines may symbolize a connection to Asgard itself, hence the power of the “Aesir” cards.

Powers (anime)[edit]

The powers of these Gods rival that of the Crimson Dragon. When 'Thor' clashed with 'Red Dragon Archfiend', both monsters emitted a strange energy pulse, wreaking havoc around the Dueling arena and drastically upsetting the weather outside the stadium.[1] During Team Ragnarok's match against Team 5D's, the attacks of the Aesir dealt real damage to Jack and Crow.

These cards also protected Team Ragnarok and their memories from the Three Pure Nobles' alterations of the timeline.[2]

Playing style[edit]

The main goal of any 'Aesir' deck is to summon 'Odin', 'Loki' and/or 'Thor'. The 'Aesir' gods are able to manipulate the opponent's plays by either becoming unaffected by Spell or Trap Cards (Odin), negating your opponent's monster effects (Thor), or straightout negating Spell and Trap Cards (Loki). They also all have an effect to revive themselves, paired with another bonus if summoned that way, and have sizeable stats, making them useful beatsticks.

For the longest time, the main focus of the deck was getting the right monsters for the job, since every single god has its own line-up of subordinates and can only be summoned with a tuner of his followers. 'Loki' uses the so-called 'Alfar', which limits the Tuner choice to 'Svartalf of the Nordic Alfar', a Level 5 monster with an effect that only triggers upon Normal Summoning, and 'Mara of the Nordic Alfar', who needs to have the right components in the hand and is unable to Synchro Summon with monsters on the field. 'Thor' makes use of 'Guldfaxe of the Nordic Beasts', which is Special Summonable if the opponent controls a Synchro Monster. 'Odin' is able to use 'Valkyrie of the Nordic Ascendant', who is able to bring the needed monsters for the Synchro Summon with her, but for the steep cost of banishing two cards in hand, and 'Vanadis of the Nordic Ascendant', who is the only truly versatile Tuner in the 'Nordic' archetype due to her ability of deck thinning, and the possibility of summoning any of the 'Aesir' monsters.

Aside from their Tuner monsters, the 'Aesir' also have other members in their respective groups:

  • 'Thor's' 'Nordic Beasts' also feature the following monsters: 'Garmr of the Nordic Beasts', a defense wall that bounces the opposing monster if it is Level 4 or lower; sadly, 'Garmr' is one of the least useful 'Nordics' due to him having to survive the battle as well as having a wide pool of unbounceable targets, namely any monster with Level 5-12, any Xyz and any Link Monster. 'Tanngrisnir of the Nordic Beasts' summons two Level 3 tokens upon being destroyed by battle, which can be used as setup to summon an 'Aesir' with an additional Level 4 tuner. Lastly, 'Tanngnjostr of the Nordic Beasts' enables some more board presence by Special Summoning itself from the hand upon the death of another monster on your side of the field and afterwards easily summons more of its friends from the deck. Overall, the 'Nordic Beasts' are probably the most useful group of 'Nordic' monsters, since they can be combined with useful and generic cards like 'Rescue Cat' and 'Super-Nimble Mega Hamster'. In addition to that, they are the only group that doesn't necessary need a lot of other 'Nordics' to function, since their effects are all fairly generic.
  • 'Loki' and his 'Nordic Alfar' also consist of 'Dverg of the Nordic Alfar', who is technically a free Normal Summon and recovers 'Nordic Relics' from the Graveyard and 'Ljosalf of the Nordic Alfar', who summons another monster from the hand when Normal Summoned. Both effects are helpful for swarming, but are let down by the weird restrictions of the 'Nordic Alfar' Tuners.
  • Lastly, 'Odin' and his ranks of 'Ascendants' have another member in 'Mimir of the Nordic Ascendant', who is capable of Special Summoning himself from the Graveyard for the cost of one Spell Card in your hand.

In addition to the three groups of 'Nordics', a very confusing design choice can be found in the 'Fenrir the Nordic Wolf' and 'Jormungardr the Nordic Serpent' pair: 'Fenrir' can only be summoned via Special Summon in Main Phase 2, can only be summoned to the opponents side of the field and destroys itself instantly if no 'Aesir' monster lingers anywhere on the board. On the upside, it switches everything in Attack Position and Battle Damage from battles with 'Fenrir' is inflicted to both players. When paired with 'Jormungardr', which is pretty much the same monster aside from being able to enter the field in Main Phase 1 and having only 3000 ATK and DEF, this is supposed to combo for a massive 3000 burn damage due to the effect of 'Jormungardr' when being switched into Attack Position. While these two certainly pose a fresh idea in the overall 'Nordic' strategy, the combo itself is less than favourable: Gifting two monsters to your opponent and therefore sacrificing two cards in your hand to deal 'only' 3000 damage would already cause some intense frowning from the average Yugioh player, but in addition to that the entire strategy collapses instantly upon you losing the necessary 'Aesir' monster. Worse even, 'Fenrir' packs enough power to put your boss monsters out of commission, with only 'Odin' being strong enough to even trade with 'Fenrir'. And it doesn't end there: If you actually put these monsters onto the opponents side of the field and your opponent doesn't have a target to ram them into, he will, without a doubt, start to Link Summon them into something more beneficial.

'Nordics' and 'Aesir' also have their own line of Spell/Trap support, called the 'Nordic Relics'. The reason these weren't featured in the text before, aside from 'Dverg' recycling them, is that they are rather weak and gimmicky: 'Brisingamen' can be used to lift the stats of a 'Nordic' to 'Aesir' standard; 'Draupnir' is a Equip Spell that increases the monsters ATK by 800 and floats into another 'Nordic Relic' upon destruction; 'Gungnir' destroys a card for the low cost of banishing one of your monsters for two turns; 'Laevateinn' is a silly revenge kill option; and 'Megingjord' boosts an 'Aesir' to even higher stats, which can be combined with piercing damage for quite a bruise. Almost all of them are Trap Cards and therefore inherently slow, while not increasing the overall consistency of the deck in any way (other than searching for more 'Relics' with 'Draupnir').

The archetype recently got support in form of 'Alviss of the Nordic Alfar' and 'Gullveig of the Nordic Ascendant', allowing for more stable and consistent ways to summon the 'Aesir' gods for the low cost of any variety in deck building or strategy. 'Gullveig of the Nordic Ascendant' is summonable with only a single 'Nordic' monster, and will fetch the needed god for the sacrifice (and in this case banishment) of three cards from either hand or field. Aside from accelerating the summoning process of the Aesir gods, she protects them from targeting effects, while they disallow the opponent from attacking 'Gullveig' as long as an 'Aesir' lingers on the field. 'Alviss of the Nordic Alfar' is only another way to get gods on the field, since every single strategy of this deck ends in an 'Aesir' running into the opponents face.

Unfortunately, the archetype aged quite badly, making elaborate and artsy strategies almost impossible. The aforementioned two newcomers are certainly helpful, but limit the choices in deck-building quite badly; and still, they pose to be the best choice when summoning 'Aesirs' is involved. A great number of the main deck line-up is questionable, with most of the 'Nordic Relics' being sub-par, and many monsters either asking for to much to make their effect worthwhile or being to slow due to being forced into battle destruction for their effects to trigger. While it is certainly still possible to construct this deck in an effective way, the task of building around the archetypes' shortcomings makes this a rather frustrating task.

Recommended cards
Effect Monsters
Tuner monsters
Extra Deck
Synchro Monsters
Xyz Monsters
Link Monsters


  • Since a 'Aesir' Deck's de facto stratagem has Synchro Summons as its centerpiece, Anti-Synchro cards such as 'Discord', 'Synchro Control', 'Tuner's Scheme' and 'Shiny Black 'C' can hurt this Deck's purpose.
  • 'Maxx 'C' can be used with great effect against an 'Aesir' Deck, since it needs to Special Summon a respectable amount of monsters to reach its normal boardstate of one Link and one Synchro monster.
  • 'Koa'ki Meiru Drago' can keep 'Loki' and 'Odin' off of the Field, as 'Loki' and 'Odin', as well as all of the 'Nordic Alfar' and 'Nordic Ascendant' monsters, are LIGHT or DARK.
  • Cards like 'Archlord Kristya', 'Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo', 'Jowgen the Spiritualist' and the 'Vanity's' cards can be a more complete solution in crippling 'Nordics'.
  • Any form of effect or summon negation can be devastating to the Aesir player, making cards like 'Solemn Judgment', 'Solemn Warning' or the 'Ghost Girl' Handtraps effective counters against the Aesir strategy.
  • Banishing cards such as 'Dimensional Fissure', 'Macro Cosmos', and 'Banisher of the Radiance' can hurt this Deck too, since 'Nordic' Tuners won't be in the Graveyard anymore to revive fallen 'Aesir' monsters--on that note, these aces-in-the-hole can also be banished, making it almost impossible to bring them back in the Duel: 'Orient Dragon', 'D.D. Warrior Lady', 'D.D. Assailant', 'Chaos Sorcerer' and other monsters that banish can therefore also be a huge threat against the 'Aesir' due to their lack of protection against monster effects.
  • Cards that return monsters to the hand or Deck, such as 'Penguin Soldier', 'Compulsory Evacuation Device' and 'Compulsory Escape Device', bypass the ability of 'Aesir' monsters to revive themselves from the Graveyard.
  • One of the worst matchups of their time for 'Nordics' is Evilswarm, because they have access to 'Evilswarm Ophion', which prevents you from Special Summoning your 'Aesir' or Synchro Monsters of level 5 or higher and 'Evilswarm Bahamut'. Other bad matchups are the following: 'Harpies', due to them having access to 'Lightning Chidori'; 'Constellars', due to having access to 'Constellar Pleiades' and 'Constellar Ptolemy M7'; 'Fire Fists', for having access to 'Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Bear' and 'Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Cardinal'; and 'Mermails, for having access to the Atlantean cards and 'Mermail Abyssgaios'.
  • Decks that can run 'Number 11: Big Eye', 'Number 101: Silent Honor ARK' and/or 'Abyss Dweller' have an advantage against 'Aesir', since they are vulnerable to effects that take control of them or lock out access to their Graveyard.
  • Finally, without any of the three 'Aesir' on the Field or at the very least, the use of 'Nordic Relic Brisingamen' and/or 'Nordic Relic Draupnir', 'Nordic' Decks lack offensive power (perhaps save 'Guldfaxe' to a minor extent).


  1. Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's episode 118: 'A New Rival'
  2. Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's episode 117: 'The Distorted Past'
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A lot of competitors are playing cool new strategies here today, and 2-time YCS winner Jeff Jones is no exception! While other Duelists are exploring Dragunities, Miracle Geminis, or other up-and-coming Deck types, Jones is striking out on a path less traveled. His goal? To demonstrate, and capitalize on, the tremendous power of the Nordics! With Odin, Father of the Aesir and Thor, Lord of the Aesir at his command, Jones is set to shake things up here in Day 1! Here’s how he’s going to do it…

Jeff Jones’ Double Aesir Nordics – 41 Cards

Monsters: 17

3 Vanadis of the Nordic Ascendant

3 Tanngrisnir of the Nordic Beasts

Yugioh 5ds Yusei Vs Nordic Gods

3 Tanngnjostr of the Nordic Beasts

3 Guldfaxe of the Nordic Beasts

3 Super-Nimble Mega Hamster

2 Effect Veiler

Spells: 11

3 Pot of Duality

2 Pot of Avarice

2 Mystical Space Typhoon

1 Book of Moon

1 Monster Reborn

1 Dark Hole

1 Giant Trunade

Traps: 13

3 Gleipnir, the Fetters of Fenrir

1 Trap Dustshoot

2 Trap Stun

1 Solemn Judgment

2 Solemn Warning

2 Dimensional Prison

1 Torrential Tribute

1 Royal Oppression

The Aesir Deck is all about fast, efficient Synchro Summoning. Tanngrisnir of the Nordic Beasts Special Summons 2 Level 3 Nordic Beast Tokens; Tanngnjostr of the Nordic Beasts Special Summons Guldfaxe of the Nordic Beasts (a Level 4 Tuner) or Tanngrisnir straight from the Deck; and Super-Nimble Mega Hamster brings out Tanngrisnir or Tanngnjostr while functioning as a Synchro Material itself. Tanngnjostr Special Summoning Guldfaxe makes for an instant Level 7 Synchro Summon for a single card, while a number of 2-card combos starting with Tanngrisnir or Tanngnjostr make the proper Synchro Materials for Thor and Odin. This Deck makes Black Rose Dragon even faster than the current DebrisDragon Decks, and Jones protects his attempts at Synchro Summoning with MysticalSpaceTyphoon and TrapStun. He won’t always need them: with so many ways to make big Synchros he also has the option of simply powering through cards like SolemnWarning. If 1 Synchro Summon fails, another can take its place. Often, Jones will be able to threaten his opponent with BlackRoseDragon; force out opposing Summon negation; and then follow up with an even bigger Synchro.

That means Odin, and if Odin looked good for the past several weeks, it looks even better now! More and more competitors are gravitating away from BottomlessTrapHole today, and it’s 1 of the few cards that can stop Odin in the face of his effect. Instead, Duelists are running DimensionalPrison – a card that Odin’s immune to. With 4000 Attack Points and an effect that protects it from MirrorForce, Prison, BookofMoon, and more, a lot of Decks are going to have a really tough time getting past Jones’ trump card. With plenty of monster removal plus EffectVeiler to ward off threats like Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier, alot of Jones’ Duels may simply come down to Synchro Summoning Odin and keeping it on the field. Jones is maxed out on the Nordic monsters he needs to consistently unleash the Father of the Aesir – including 3 Vanadis of the Nordic Ascendant.

Yugioh 5ds Nordic Gods Episode

Along with Odin, Jones runs an arsenal of Synchro Monsters other Decks just can’t play. Since his Nordic Beasts are all Beast-Type monsters, he can play VolticBicorn: that helps him fill his Graveyard for PotofAvarice, which in turn recycles those Nordic Beasts so Jones can keep Synchro Summoning. And since Guldfaxe of the Nordic Beasts is a LIGHT Tuner, he can also play Ancient Sacred Wyvern. If his opponent plays an early SolemnWarning or SolemnJudgment to stop a Synchro Summon, they’ll lower their Life Points and turn Wyvern into a deadly attacker: when Jones’ Life Points are higher than his opponent’s, Wyvern gains ATK equal to the difference. It’s a great strategy, because Nordics can play a heavy defense in the early game that helps to ensure that Jones’ Life Points are higher than the opposition’s’. Thor, Lord of the Aesir rounds out the lineup of exclusive Synchro Monsters Jones wields: Thor’s ATK is almost as high as Odin’s, and Jones can Synchro Summon him with either Vanadis, or Guldfaxe. Its ability can shut down opposing monster effects like those of XX-Saber Fulhelmknight, LegendarySix Samurai – Shi En, and SpiritReaper, so it’s a great problem-solver. It’ll also just randomly end Duels off strong Guldfaxe plays – if an opponent doesn’t play aggressively enough, a planned Level 7 Synchro Summon can easily become a Thor instead.

Yu Gi Oh 5ds Wallpaper

This Deck packs a lot of little tricks. Vanadis’ ability to kick monsters to the Graveyard to adjust its level can be played even if Jones is sending another Level 4 monster (which won’t actually change Vanadis’ level), filling the Graveyard for PotofAvarice. Switching Vanadis to Level 3 by sending Tanngrisnir or Tanngnjostr allows Jones to Tune it to a Nordic Beast and make Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier, too: a play that’s bound to surprise some of his opponents.

Yu Gi Oh 5ds Gogoanime

With 3 copies each of his most important cards, plus triple Gleipnir, The Fetters of Fenrir to search them all out, Jones has built his Deck for consistency. A strong showing here today would kick off big things for the Nordic Deck, and smart play could take Jones to Day 2! Nobody is ready for this matchup.